前几天见了小学的同学,聊天中难免要提起当年小时的记忆。回到家后,不知不觉地挖出了尘封多年的纪念册,从新翻阅之时,看见朋友们当时的祝福,有真挚,有幽默。翻着翻着,思绪穿越时空,仿如回到了2000 的协和小学……
看来看去,原来女生通常是比较会花心思去设计,并写下祝福语,哈哈!男生的很多就直截了当,写下要写的话,搞掂!而且,当时应该是非常流行 Pokemon,所以有很多 pokemon 的画像和贴纸!其实,现在总有点遗憾,我只让一些人在纪念册内留笔,至于为什么,我也无从考究咯,可能当时也不够时间找每个人写了吧!接下来的照片,是拍得比较清楚的(只能用手机拍,加上三流的技术,抱歉了),不知道各位作者们是否还能记得自己的作品呢?
3 条评论:
Let's see if I'm right in guessing the person whose handwriting is in the photos...answers according to sequence of picts:
Cheryl, me, Wai Che, Seong Ling, Wee Qi (obviously), Jun Yi.
my handwriting was hideous back then -_- hahaha we should really bring that historical book to our gathering one day and exchange it for a good laugh! hahah!
omg..ur memory is unbelievably strong..haha..u can even rmb our handwritings!!!
ya, tat day after the meeting in gurney i go find my autograph..n flip pages of it to recall everyth i could..XD
well, u n cheryl oways hv the best handwritings in our class then!
Agreed. My Chinese was hideous, still the same now.
If I could recall correctly, the last time I saw my primary school autograph, the pages were all on the verge of falling off from the spine. I'd get it bound when I'm home this CNY.
Happy New Year!